Pre-Cleanable Filter Pleat Type

It’s important to note that cleanable pleat-type pre-filters are best suited for environments with moderate levels of airborne contaminants and larger particles. For environments with higher levels of smaller particles or more stringent air quality requirements, higher efficiency filters like Fine and HEPA filters may be used in combination with pre-filters to achieve comprehensive air filtration.

Regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to ensure the efficiency and longevity of cleanable pleat-type pre-filters. Proper cleaning methods and schedules should be followed as per the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain their effectiveness.



Technical Specifications

Regarding Frame-

Produced in Aluminum, electro-galvanized, and Stainless steel as standard.

Regarding Filter Media-

Media used in Coarse Grade Cleanable pre-filters is Synthetic non-woven (Supported on both outer sides by high-density HDPE mesh and one side backing of SNW media supported by Aluminum mesh). Available in filtration Grades from G1to G4 and ePM Coarse.

Regarding Sealant-

Thixotropic Urethanes for Normal temperature 

Food Grade Sealants also available

Regarding Gaskets-

This can be Foam, Neoprene

Food Grade gasket also available


Header type – Box / Flange 
Rec. Final Resistance 250 Pa Max as per standard / but we recommend whenever the pressure drop reaches double filters should be changed to save energy cost. 
Operating Temperature – 70°C 
Relative humidity – 100%

Note -

   Not all Usha Filter products are not washable, please consult the manufacturer for the same. We will provide a detailed cleaning manual.

 Â  Filters can be made various tailor made size and type as per customer requirements with respect to thier application, fitment, usage, dust concentration and filtration class required.
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