Activated Carbon Granules

Usha Filter Activated carbon granules, also known as activated carbon pellets, are small porous particles made from activated carbon. Activated carbon is a form of carbon that has been processed to have a high surface area, usually through methods like steam activation or chemical activation. This increased surface area provides numerous pores and crevices on the carbon material, giving it exceptional adsorption properties.

Key characteristics of activated carbon granules

Porous Structure -

The granules have a highly porous structure with a large surface area, allowing them to adsorb various gases, odors, and impurities effectively.

Adsorption Capacity -

Due to their extensive surface area and porous nature, activated carbon granules can attract and retain a wide range of contaminants on their surface.

Varied Particle Sizes -

Activated carbon granules come in various particle sizes, typically ranging from a few millimeters to a few millimeters in diameter. The choice of particle size depends on the specific application and the desired level of adsorption efficiency.

Versatile Applications -

Activated carbon granules are used in both air and water filtration systems. They are commonly found in air purifiers, respirators, gas masks, water filters, and point-of-use water treatment systems.

Chemical Treatment -

Sometimes, activated carbon granules are impregnated with chemicals to enhance their adsorption capacity for specific gases or contaminants.

Limited Lifespan -

Similar to other forms of activated carbon filters, the granules have a limited lifespan as they become saturated with adsorbed contaminants over time. Regular replacement is necessary to maintain the filtration efficiency.

Regeneration -

Depending on the type and level of contaminants adsorbed, some activated carbon granules can be regenerated through processes like thermal reactivation, restoring their adsorption capacity and extending their useful life.

Activated carbon granules are widely used in a variety of industries for air and water purification purposes. They are particularly effective at removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bad odors, chlorine, certain chemicals, and other gaseous pollutants. The choice of activated carbon granules depends on the specific application requirements, and manufacturers often tailor the granules to suit different filtration needs

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